Monday, December 05, 2005


"I regret to inform you that I cannot recall the sound of your voice. There are such things that I can recall such as: your face, and your smell. The smell of a bellowing fireplace, and a cheap perfume that lingers throughout an empty house in suburbia. Your face; wonderful and forgiving. I apologize, for I cannot remember why I left, or where the house was; or your name. It pains me to realize that I’ve lost you, because I believe you are the woman I am to be with for my eternal life, but circumstances have taken hold and removed me from your life."

* * *

In a time of crisis, you usually grab hold of something and don’t let go. You grip the steering wheel of your car after an accident in a state of disbelief. When the victim of the accident lay on the ground forty feet from the broken windshield that he’d flown through; you grip tightly.
Relax. Breathe. Wake up. It’s a dream. It’s a very vividly realistic dream with a side of fright and horror. You have dreams like this all the time. You can’t sleep through them. You’ve grown accustomed to them through the eleven hours of sleep you’ve had in the past sixteen days. That means - think about it - that technically for five days, you didn’t sleep at all. One hundred and twenty hours - actually one hundred and four - that you’ve had the opportunity to sleep.

It’s Clandestine - the friend …the friend in your head - who’s keeping you awake. You can’t take it. She tells you to watch QVC and buy a sheepskin jacket, that in thirty-six days; eight hundred sixty-four hours, you won’t wear.

Clandestine is an inoperable brain tumor that you can’t get over. Besides that you’re going to die from it. This tumor, this cancerous brain tumor - is going to end your already short life.
You’re in a fog, maybe it’s the valium, maybe it’s the coke or the ecstasy. You can’t figure it, Clandestine explains it to you: “It’s the extent of which you’ve forgotten your place in life.”
You don’t know what she means, you don’t understand. This you tell her, this you say aloud. She says: “Energy. Eat leaves of grass and mud. You’ll be fine.” God forbid you get yourself together and block the mysterious voice of your brain tumor out of your head. God forbid, you actually eat grass or mud and in return; obtain energy. You need to see the Red Eyed Albino.

The Rhibino you call him, pronounced Rye-Bye-No, but it’s valium induced and originally the words of a doped up sixteen year old prostitute, who was buying smack off of the Albino. She told him; “You look like a Rhibino.”

You laughed, the Rhibino laughed, and the sixteen year old prostie laughed - got her smack; and over paid.

Just something I scribbled down on a slip of paper one day...and now typed up.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Revenge of the Sith (the review from May '05)

So, here I was sitting in a fairly packed Loews multiplex theatre, a cold Budweiser in my hand, and I was contemplating life - then for a moment things stopped, the world around me didn't matter; and for the first time in my life I let the nerd in me show. Star Wars III: Return of the Sith's opening montage - similar to that of the last five films, ran vertically down the screen - I got goosebumps - and I don't know why.

My entire life, I've sworn to only like the first three films, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. Sure, I personally don't enjoy the company of an Ewok Party, but...whatever. Sith comes on with a wicked battle scene, Anakin's all over the fucking place shooting things, things are getting attached to Obi-Wan's cruiser and R2-D2 is beeping up a mother fucking storm. They're on their way to rescue the Senator from Dooku and...inevitably murder him. Anakin's becoming darker scene by scene.

However, after watching the first three movies, you come to believe that Darth Vader is the crown -mother fucking- prince of Evil...after watching this movie you feel for the guy, you feel for a guy who gets burnt the hell up and after all that happens to him, the thing he wanted; doesn't fucking happen. Boo Fucking Hoo, right? This guy chopped off Luke's hand, then says that he's his father...pulls of his fucking mast to show a disheveled looking mother fucker with the voice of James Earl Jones....Empire did have the better ended, it had a lot of shit going on, Hans getting frozen - etc.

However...this movie, this Revenge of the Sith flick was something that I unexpectedly enjoyed the hell out of. I went to the movie expecting dissapointment as the last two prequels did just that - dissapointed me. Sith, however, didn't. It was one of those things, like ..."Now, I can go on with my life" the Star Wars universe has finally been completed, Vader is mad, Luke and Leia are born, Obi-Wan and Yoda go into Exile while Organa takes Leia..

Then there's Skywalker, Luke mother fucking Skywalker, sure, we know Luke and Han pine over Leia until Luke finds out a trivial fact, that Leia is his sibling...and an annoying one at that. Luke is going to be the best Jedi ever, just like his father - whom he doesn't know, but helping the Jedi defeat Vader is something he's going to do...then the pivotal scene in which Vader pulls off his lid to reveal a crusty old version of Anakin Skywalker, aka Lord Darth Vader ...complete with the burn marks given to him via Revenge of the Sith - care of Obi-Wan.

Back to Sith though, because I'm straying off topic slightly...Sith is the Godfather II of the Star Wars universe - it's almost that good, there's some things I'd want to see more of, like C3-PO and R2D2...As I told Marcel, Everyone has a friend like R2D2...Worried, afraid, but clutch under pressure. He beeps a lot, and apparently someone understands him, like C3-PO, so they have to be together, rather than on seperate ends of the spectrum. It's similar to that of Chewbacca's relationship with Han Solo - who the fuck knows what that damn Wookie is saying, but Han? No one, he could be saying we're all going to die in a matter of minutes, but no one cares, we just want to hear that Wookie bastard moan his glorious language - Speaking of Wookie's, there's some in Sith namely Chewy, who's in it for a brief period and shares screentime with Yoda.

In Clerk's Dante says that all Jedi had was a bunch of muppets, that Empire had the better ending, well, I agree, but then you have to look at Sith. Sith was dark as hell, it was evil even, kids are killed by the Darkside, under-water battles...shit man, the movie had everything, but tits, if it had tits it would've been a ten, but since it didn't...hell it's a nine point five.

This was something I wrote a long while ago, and I suppose put on my site. I don't remember, but I enjoyed reading it again, so I decided I'd post it. You'll get the other story as soon as I fucking...locate it.