Sunday, October 02, 2005

You ching, I chang, baby.

It's right there in the title, you ching, I chang. Opposites, and that shit, are bullshit. I can't agree with anything anyone ever says to me. I have this thing about people who like the same things as me. I talk to them for three months and then I ignore them completely. It happens way too much, but that's not all. There's people that don't like the same things, I just don't talk to them at all then...or I'll make fun of the things they particularly like.

Anyway, I'm moving to Pennsylvania, I may have mentioned this. I'm moving to a town called Chambersburg, which is really about 30 minutes away from Gettysburg, and about 10 minutes away from Shippensburg. It's kind of harrowing, because I don't want to move. I have things here that I like, that I do on a regular friends.. comics, stores I frequently visit, my house. know...then I think about it again. What's really keeping me here, other than my friends? The bars suck, the people...they suck, and well..everything is turning to shit. And I'm not the only one that believes this. Farmingdale, New York, is a's filthy...most of Long Island is. When I visited Chambersburg, and went into the new house, and etc...the air smelled clean,...albeit there is cow shit lingering in the air, it smelled clean.

I don't know...I'm just tired.


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