Saturday, November 19, 2005

When the night feels my song...

When the night feels my song, is an awesome song by Bedouin Soundclash, which I've placed into a written episode of Farmingdale: The Real Long Island. I'm currently on episode seven of the, and it's looking to be a pretty hilarious thing; even if nothing comes from it. I enjoy doing it. I enjoy making a story that intrigues me, and also belittles mine and everyone I know's existences.

Farmingdale was a town that I was quick to get out of...until I left of course. Sure I wasn't the prom king, the cool jock, the popular guy, but it was my fucking town. I put a lot of effort into that town and I was proud (most of the time) to where a fucking F on my hat or chest. Farmingdale means a lot to me, and I've based 3 movies and a Television show on the town itself, based on (and surrounding). I would go as far as to say, I loved Farmingdale. Maybe I was attached to people who treated me/you like shit, or shitty clublike bars and restuarants, but it had Serious Comics and a job - right now, I am without comics and a job. Right now, I'm in one of those binds, whereas I just don't know. I don't know. I can understand if you have no idea what that means, because I don't either. It's just one big giant cluster fuck of uncertainty. I really needed my friends before I left, and I got two and a half (Roy's girlfriend, half a friend...because Conroy's sharing her).

I'm preaching to the choir here, I know, because you're saying to yourself. "JD, that guy's such an asshole!" And, phat-cat, I will be the first to agree with you. I will the first to say "Fuck yeah, I am, now go shit your pants, assface." But, that time has come/gone, and I'm stuck in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. There has been people who've said "Yeah, it's not so bad," and to my parents I say, "You're out of your God forsaken minds." Because I will never love Chambersburg, I will never prop myself up outside of a Fayetteville Video, and I will never, ever, ...ever write a movie about Chambersburg Pennsylvania. And that's a fucking fact right there.

I don't know how it goes from here, I have to admit the uncertainty scares me quite a bit. I don't know what I'm doing, honestly. The people here frown upon cursing, thus, I curse more. I'm instigating a town that I'm residing in, just like I did to Nutty Irishman, 7-11, and the Video Store (before it was closed). I can't relegate just yet...I mean, I can't possibly get banned from Wal-Mart, they're pretty fucking tolerable when it comes to being open 24-Hours a day, you never see the same fucking people twice.

There's things, stupid things, that I miss: All-American Quarter Pounders (I had the luxury of having one before I left, and I will never forget it), The Sunrise Mall. The Sunrise Mall is a staple of my youth. I can't tell you how many times, a young JD and a young Los road our bikes in the Summer Heat, just to get to Air Conditioning. Serious Comics is another thing I'm going to miss, although, you know this. Sadly I'm going to miss the traffic on the Southern State Parkway at 7:30 in the morning, when I was late to my Mass Media class.

I'm going to miss the Burger King near my house, and the way the 10-year vet, stared at me when I drove up to the drive-thru window. I'm going to miss Taco Bell, and Pete's Deli. Applebees 2-Fers, and 1/2 priced apps, I'm going to miss getting drunk in TMK's backyard when we were younger, albeit I don't speak to TMK anymore; it's still something that we had beer pong tourneys in the middle of summer while thunderstorms were going on.

I remember drinking in the middle of winter, in TMK's backyard, with Conroy, and freezing, nearly to death, because we were stupid, and wanted to drink - badly. I don't remember how we got home, but I'm grateful to whoever gave us that ride.

I miss writing the first draft of Monkeys From Republica it's a feeling I can never replace, starting that movie in 12th grade, and now, nearly 6 years lately, look where it landed me; in nowhereland. Ha. I'm going to miss Blockbuster, and having the movie pass, hanging out with Conroy and Vito, or Conroy and Jamie, or Conroy and the Black chick I don't know. I'm going to miss the smell of a Long Island winter; that made you say "That smell is in the air. It's time to get drunk." I miss drinking at the spot, running with an 80 pound dehr (deer) on my back (los with a duck) and nearly getting caught. I miss getting caught (by the police) for stealing lawn ornaments (while drunk) with Conroy and Marcel, while Marcel had his pipe in the car...the cops didn't check.

Fuck, I miss fucking Movie Night...I miss fucking Movie Night. If I could go back five years, I'd have never stopped going to fucking movie night (despite there being a bad'd see something you saw or something that came out that you had to choose over). I miss Conroy's "Lay-dees" thing, and Ficken paying us off to keep the fact that he was Dating Marc's ex-girlfriend (My cousin...shudder) away from him. There were many good sodas out of that.

I miss falling in the pond after my first time really drinking 13 beers, and nearly dying. It was really cold, and fucking winter. I miss coming home, 11th grade, and watching Mallrats everyday for almost a year. I've seen the movie about 300+ times at this point. I miss working at Kay Bee, and Eckerd...and even the beginning at F&G, but not so much. I don't miss working at Home Depot...

I miss Farmingdale Baseball, and my Dad coaching me and my brother, because he didn't want to see anyone treat kids like shit...and he never did take playing time away from a kid, and I commend him for that.

When the night, feels my song. I'll be home.



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